
This Sunday(back in 2016) we made a plan with our ops team of a non-profit group to meet and have some fun. We decided to meet in Mountain View downtown's Crepe vine. A night prior I had lots of food because it was Saturday so I decided to order a pot of pomegranate green tea. The tea was refreshing and I loved it. Other 4 females ordered delicious crepes and one other got food from home. One who got food from home called in advance to know if she can get her own food since she was on a special diet. Looks like they don't say no to people on special diets. Amazing!

We decided to talk about Directors' experience at ringing the bell in NYSE. This organization's directors got the opportunity to ring the bell at NYSE and 2 of our members went. We wanted to understand the experience. Their experience was great, however, in the process I learned that these directors from this non profit are more dedicated then it seems to people.

One of them is a co-instructor at Art of Living meditation class and she instructed a 3-day course before flying to NYC from SF. Each day the course lasted for 3 hours and I loved her dedication. This gives me some dedication to do meditation for at least 20 minutes a day :) Moreover, she was following a special diet so she didn't hesitate to prepare special food for herself at home. And icing on the cake is she baked a beautiful princess themed cake for her niece that was celebrated a day prior to her flight. It is amazing to see such dedication and may God Bless her with more energy for such things so that she can continue to help others and enrich her & fellow human beings.

While talking to other females, I realized one of them baked a cake every month for a kid that has no access to cake on their birthday. How amazing is that!! And she is a part of an online volunteer group, where she dedicates 10 minutes a day. If she does it for all 365 days then she is dedicating 3650 minutes that approximates to 61 hours a year. No wonder they say 'Drop by Drop makes a sea.' Now if we help other human beings or living beings only for 10 minutes a day that makes a whopping 60 hours a year, which is not bad. If all the abled human beings start doing it, this world will become a better place :) Well back to my friend's story, she dedicates 10 mins a day to another volunteering organization. This excludes the non-profit where all 6 of us are participating and trying to organize technical and career sessions for people trying to get a job or trying to re-enter the workforce.

I would like to close the article by stating what I learned:

  • Help other human beings as much as possible

  • If you have free time, try to use it by helping others

  • Do the helping part consistently so that you don't have to start fresh for every new opportunity.

  • Try to meet like minded people on a regular basis so that you remain motivated for your tasks.


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